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Services Available



HEALING - 60-90 min  

Experience the benefits of a full Transference Healing® session. Transference Healing® is a 7th Dimensional high frequency healing that works on so many different levels of our body, mind & spirit. This is not just a healing modality but also an ascension process. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey the frequencies of Transference Healing will support you. 



HEALING - 30 Min

A Beyond Doorways Level 1 healing session gives you an opportunity to experience some of the procedures from a full Transference Healing. It will create clearing, balance and rejuvenation into the Etheric body. It is a great way to experience the Transference Healing energy to help activate change within. 




Healing packages are available if you would like to take full advantage of what regular Transference Healing® sessions can do for you. An example would be

Full Transference Healing x 4 consecutive weeks $400 save $40

or you can discuss what type of package would suit your needs when you come for your appointment



Want to make the right choices for your relationships, family, finances, work or business? For most clients, tarot readings can help to provide clarity and peace of mind when at a crossroads in life. Some clients need a little longer than the 30 minute reading, so 45 minutes may be the one for you.



 30 Minutes 

Want to make the right choices for your relationships, family, finances, work or business? For most clients, tarot readings can help to provide clarity and peace of mind when at a crossroads in life. See what answers unfold in a 30 minute psychic reading. 


Weekly Psychic Development Circle from 

7 to 9pm. Topics include - Meditation, psychic development, healing, enhance intuition, crystal awareness...and much more. Seating is limited so call Sue on 0429 538 094 to reserve your seat.

Price is $15 

Apologies - Classes are cancelled until further notice


To enquire about appointment times please click below

Phone: 61.0429538094 | Email:

Sue’s Healing Light ABN 37553077150

Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality

Disclaimer: You must be over 18 years of age to use this website. All psychic readings and consultations are intended as an insight into a person's personal life and do not in any way constitute legal or financial or professional advice. Sue's Healing Light the Journey makes no warranty or representations about the accuracy of the readings. The healing services should be used as a complement, not as a replacement for regular medical care
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